
There are noumerous ways to install OSGeonorge.

Intallation with pip

OSGeonorge can be installed with pip either from pypi:

python3 -m pip install osgeonorge

or directly from gitlab:

python3 -m pip install git+

Intallation from source

git clone
cd osgeonorge
python3 -m --install

Intallation with docker

docker ... osgeonorge


OSGeonorge depends on a couple of python packages and C/C++ libraries. The following Python packages should are required for full functionallity. They are automatically installed using pip.

  • numpy

  • GDAL>=3.4.2

  • requests (could be replaced by build in modules in future)

  • psycopg2 (for connections to PostGIS, could be made optional in future)

The GDAL Python package also requires the installation of the GDAL C/C++ library. For SOSI support kartverkets OpenFYBA library is required to activate the OGR-SOSI-driver.