
The OSGeonorge package can be used for various tasks

Listing ATOM feeds and content

For interactive usage a first step is often to list avaiable data, formats and coverage

# import module
from osgeonorge.geonorge import GeonorgeAdapter
# Initialize class
ogna = GeonorgeAdapter(cores=5)

Downloading data

In a next step selected data can be downoaded If multiple datasets are selected and more than one core is allocated to the task, OSGeonorge will download files in parallel.

ogna.get_feed("FKB_Bygning", "FGDB")

Extracting metadata for import

In case data needs transformation before import, OSGeonorge allows to extract relevant metadata from all or selected layers.


Downloadm extract and parse metadata for import in one step

In case data needs transformation before import, OSGeonorge allows to extract relevant metadata from all or selected layers.

# import module
from osgeonorge.geonorge import GeonorgeAdapter
# Initialize class
ogna = GeonorgeAdapter(cores=5)
ogna.fetch("FKB_Bygning", "FGDB", "Landsdekkende")

Command line

OSGeonorge is primarily written as a Python library. However, it provides a command line (CLI) interface as well. Currently, only listing of ATOM feeds is supported in the CLI interface.
